The Lappeenranta–Imatra region specializes in promoting green electrification innovations and business
The Lappeenranta–Imatra region has concluded an ecosystem agreement with the state on the allocation of green electrification product development and innovation work for the years 2021–2027. The region is part of the Innocities network through the ecosystem agreement.
LUT University, on the other hand, is responsible for the national innovation work on green electrification, the purpose of which is to strengthen joint development between regions and increase the international visibility of expertise in the field.
Ecosystem agreements are part of the government's efforts to make Finland the world's most functional experiment and innovation environment by 2030. The strategic goal of the government program is for Finland to be known as a pioneer in technological development, innovative acquisitions and a culture of experimentation. We want to increase the number of innovative public procurements to 10 percent of public procurements by the end of the election period and use them to develop services, create growth and enable the development of the reference market.
According to the national city strategy, cities act as platforms for the development of know-how and innovation activities as well as business activities. Cities and the state, together with universities, research institutes and the business world, create the conditions for world-class centers of expertise and innovation environments.
The Lappeenranta-Imatra region has concluded an ecosystem agreement with the state on the allocation of green electrification product development and innovation work for the years 2021–2027. The ecosystem agreement supports the innovation-driven growth, competitiveness, vitality, employment and internationalization of the urban region. It also helps strengthen the region's reputation as an internationally attractive high-skill training city and research center.
The Lappeenranta-Imatra region is part of the Innocity network through the ecosystem agreement. Innocities are Finnish university and university center cities that have defined their own competence and development top themes in the ecosystem agreements made with the state. What Innocities have in common is that their development is based on university-led high expertise. The Innocity network includes a total of 19 cities and one municipality that signed 16 ecosystem agreements with the state in 2021: Joensuu, Jyväskylä, Kajaani (+Sotkamo), Kokkola, Kuopio, Lahti, Lappeenranta (+Imatra), Mikkeli, Oulu, Pääkaupunkiseutu, Pori, Rovaniemi, Tampere, Seinäjoki, Turku and Vaasa.
LUT University and companies in the region have unique national know-how in the product development work of synthetic fuels and biofuels, as well as in energy-efficient electricity applications. At the heart of the regional ecosystem agreement is the energy and environmental network Greenreality Network. The agreement makes it possible to assign resources to, among other things, Greenreality Network's network work and the implementation of company development platform solutions.
The agreement provides tools for international networking, connecting students and international experts to business activities in the region, business development work and promoting Talent Hub work. The agreement also provides leverage for applying for funding directly from the EU.
The goal is to build the Lappeenranta–Imatra region into an internationally successful energy and environmental center that attracts companies and expertise. By creating business from research, the province aims to create hundreds of new jobs.
You can read more detailed information about theme-specific measures and goals in the measures description of the ecosystem agreement for the innovation activities of the Lappeenranta-Imatra region (in Finnish).
City of Lappeenranta:
The cities of Lappeenranta and Imatra:
Investments and Vitality in South Karelia Group Project
LAB University of Applied Sciences:
DATAMI - Research team for green data solutions in the built environment
LABeko2 - network, elaborate, internationalize, success
LUT University:
Alliance - Sustainable regional EU funding
Green hydrogen production – from research to stack manufacturing know-how
City of Lappeenranta:
SMR - Advanced Energy (1.5.2023-30.4.2024)
City of Imatra:
Mioni Industrial Park - Attracting Ecosystem Actors (1.6.-31.12.2021)
Mioni Industrial Park – Ecosystem Actors (1.6.2022-31.5.2024)
Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology LUT:
Increasing Horizon Europe Funding to Accelerate Ecosystem Growth (1.5.2021-31.12.2022)
LAB University of Applied Sciences:
Know, Solve, Commercialize, and Succeed (1.6.2021-31.12.2022)
The themes of the ecosystem agreements are also carried forward in national group projects led by TKI operators in Lappeenranta, Kokkola, Tampere, Joensuu, Oulu and Jyväskylä. Each attraction responsibility project connects actors from at least three Innocity. The idea behind traction responsibility projects is to strengthen joint development between regions and increase the international visibility of the field's know-how. Six national traction responsibility projects promote innovation and business in the following themes: green electrification, battery chemicals, mobile work machines, photonics and exercise and digital health and wellness technologies.
Among these themes, strengthening the innovation ecosystem of green electrification in Finland is the responsibility of LUT University. The partners in the project are research and product development centers for green electrification from Oulu, Vaasa, Jyväskylä, Joensuu and the Raahe and Kokkola region.