What is Greenreality?

We in Lappeenranta and South Karelia believe that the green future is here already. Greenreality is ecological thinking, knowledge, responsible choices and, above all, actions towards a sustainable tomorrow. We build the future together with citizens, communities and companies.

Greenreality Network -videot

Videoilla Greenreality Networkin jäsenet esittäytyvät sekä kertovat ilmastoteoistaan ja siitä, miksi he kokevat tärkeäksi kuulua verkostoon. Kuulet myös, miksi Etelä-Karjalan alue on energia- ja ympäristöalan yrityksille hyvä paikka toimia. 

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Electric buses are now running in Lappeenranta's public transport system

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European Commission recognises five Finnish cities’ climate work – Espoo, Lahti, Lappeenranta, Tampere and Turku set example for European cities

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Lappeenranta receives the EU Mission Label as a recognition of the city’s progress towards climate neutrality by 2030

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EU funds Lappeenranta with €600,000 to develop elasticity of demand in district heating

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