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CO2-free heating for Joutseno

Since November 2012, the district heating network for Joutseno has been supplied with CO2-free district heat. It is generated at the FC Power Oy power plant through collection of the exhaust air from the neighbouring plant of Kemira Chemicals Oy and burning of the hydrogen that is freed as a production process by-product. The end product of hydrogen combustion is pure water vapour.

The CO2-free heat is estimated to cover 90% of Joutseno’s demand for district heating. When compared to natural gas production, this makes a for 4,000-tonne annual reduction in CO2 release.

The construction of the pipelines from the factory to the district heating networks of Joutseno and Lampikangas was commissioned by Lappeenrannan Energiaverkot Oy. Thanks to this investment, CO2-free district heat is now distributed throughout the Joutseno urban area.

FC Power Oy is a joint venture of Leppäkosken Sähkö Oy and Kemira Chemicals Oy. Extensive utilisation of hydrogen in district heat production is still quite rare in Europe. In addition to Joutseno, the Leppäkosken Sähkö Group produces district heat from hydrogen in Äetsä, near Tampere.