CANEMURE - Towards Carbon Neutral Municipalities and Regions

CANEMURE - Towards carbon neutral municipalities and regions is a six-year (2018-2024) project for implementing Finnish climate policy, funded by the EU Life programme. The project brings into practice in particular policies of the National Energy and Climate Strategy (EIS) and the Medium-term Climate Change Policy Plan (KAISU). In the project city of Lappeenranta is implementing a regional cooperation group in South-Karelia and is piloting a heat accumulator in a district heating network. See also:

Contact person: Petri Kero, 040 653 0508 

Implementation schedule

1.11.2018 - 31.10.2024


Consortium of 21 partners coordinated by Finnish Environmental Institute SYKE.


Largest of the 15 co-financiers of the project is EU Life programme.