
The City of Lappeenranta's Greenreality services implement various projects as part of the city's development strategy. On this page, the currently ongoing development projects and recently completed projects are presented in a concise form.

Ongoing projects

BeyondEE – Integrated Digital Solutions for District Heating Optimisation & Empowering End-Users

The BeyondEE project is being implemented in collaboration with the City of Lappeenranta and its affiliated companies, Lappeenrannan Energia and Lappeenrannan Asuntopalvelu. The project is part of the European Union’s NetZeroCities program, which aims to pilot solutions for achieving carbon neutrality in European cities.

The topic of the BeyondEE project is integrated digital solutions for district heating optimization. The project’s goal is to optimize district heating consumption in residential and service buildings. One of the project's objectives is to increase users' convenience by preventing unnecessary heating of spaces. Additionally, the project enables the monitoring of buildings' thermal environments and indicates the need for heating equipment maintenance.


The City of Lappeenranta

Petri Kero, +358 40 653 0508

Lappeenrannan Energia

Rami Koivula, +358 40 158 1047

Implementation schedule

1.5.2024 - 30.4.2026


Lappeenrannan kaupunki, Lappeenrannan Energia Oy


Euroopan unioni

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ReGreeneration aims to to explore how greening and renaturing solutions can be operationalised all over Europe by their implementation in 4 European leading cities: Paris, Bucharest, Barcelona and Alverca and their replication in Gent, Ljubljana, Rome, Lappeenranta and Segrate, with a special focus on social housing districts, deprived, neglected or abandoned areas, derelict industrial sites, brownfields or other dysfunctional urban sites.

The city of Lappeenranta would like to regenerate brownfield areas and convert them to new multipurpose green areas for residents and also for children attending nearby schools or day-care. Lappeenranta will be replicating Bucharest. 

Contacts: Maria Jokela, +358 40 619 0840

Implementation schedule

31.12.2023 - 31.12.2027


Inetum together with 26 partners


The European Union's Horizon Europe programme


The sustainable mobility project AMIGOS (Active Mobility Innovations for Green and Safe City Solutions) has started in the beginning of June 2023. The project has 8 objectives, which include improving co-habitation between different mobilities in 5 living labs, and improving safety and the quality of life of citizens, especially people in vulnerable situations in 10 Safety Improvement Areas.

AMIGOS is financed by the EU Horizon programme. The project leader is the Hanseatic City of Hamburg, and the City of Lappeenranta is a partner in the project. There are 28 beneficiaries in the project: 14 city partners and 14 research organisations / technology prociders / NGOs / consultants from altogether 16 countries. In the project, the City of Lappeenranta is one of the 5 Living Labs (LL) and one of the 10 Safety Improvement Areas (SIA). We have selected a recently constructed school and its surroundings in the Lauritsala neighbourhood as a SIA.

Contacts: Terhi Jantunen, +358 40 530 5958

Implementation schedule

1.6.2023 - 31.5.2027


The city of Hamburg together with 28 partners


The European Union's Horizon Europe programme

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WASU – vauhtia ja virtaa vesiensuojeluun

The project is a development and enhancement project for the restoration of Lake Pien-Saimaa. WASU is part of a continuum of restoration projects in Pien-Saimaa. The objectives of the project are to enhance and develop the restoration and cooperation, and to improve the water quality.

The key measures of the project are communication, the establishment of a regional cooperation network, environmental education, and the promotion of new methods, such as the utilisation of tailings to enhance water protection.

Contacts: Raija Aura, +358 40 584 3278

Implementation schedule

31.3.2023 - 31.12.2024


City of Lappeenranta, Greenreality services


The City of Lappeenranta and the Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment of Southeast Finland

Monitor EE

The Monitor EE Project aims to improve energy efficiency through smarter management systems. The main objective of the project is to improve the policies that address energy efficiency and performance in buildings.

The first main step of the project consists of an analysis of each partner's situation and the identification of their valuable experiences. Each partner will analyse the situation in their region, and identify which valuable practices could be transferred to other regions. The Good Practices identification and analysis and the Regional Energy Analysis will be the main two activities developed during the first stage of the project.

Next, experiences are further analysed through activities. Once each partner has identified their potential and weaknesses within the MonitorEE project, this knowledge will be fed and enlarged through the activities developed at the interregional level with other regions. One Interregional event will be organised every semester to share experiences among regions. The interregional learning will be transferred into the region through the local stakeholders' meeting, policy breakfast and institutional internal meetings. 

The preparation process for the transfer of practice into a policy instrument is developed throughout the project's lifetime.  The project has received financial support from the European Union.

For more information, please visit the Monitor EE project page in the Interreg Europe website.

Contacts: Matti Pylkkö, +358 40 759 6692, Juuso Mursu, +358 40 662 3065 

Implementation schedule

1.3.2023 - 28.2.2027


The City of Lappeenranta together with five partners


Interreg Europe

Citizen-oriented circular economy solutions in South Karelia

Citizen-oriented circular economy solutions in South Karelia -project aims to develop citizen-centric and user-centric circular economy services using service design methods. The project results circular economy enhancing practices co-developed with residents and companies. First, biowaste collection will be enhanced through communication and practical service design experiments. Second, based on the needs of citizen communities 1-2 citizen-driven circular economy services, e.g. sharing or lending services, will be implemented. Third, circular economy consumer service providers will be identified in the Lappeenranta region, and accessibility of services will be improved with digital mapping service. 
Read more about the project here:  

Contacts: Maria Jokela, +358 40 619 0840

Implementation schedule

1.3.2023 - 30.6.2025


LAB University of Applied Sciences as lead partner, the City of Lappeenranta's Greenreality services as partner implementer


European Regional Development Fund

Threading CO2

From carbon dioxide to polyester fiber 

In the European Union's Horizon funded Threading Co2 circular economy project, the aim is to develop an industrial-scaled process and facility, where recovered carbon dioxide waste is made into polyester fiber (PET). A facility operating on renewable energy is planned in the Netherlands. The project is intended to advance in stages, starting with laboratory testing, moving to the demo-phase, and ending with a pilot facility. As a result of the process developed in the project, a 70% emission reduction compared to the current PET- fiber production will be achieved.

Implementation schedule

1.1.2023 - 31.12.2026


The City of Lappeenranta together with 13 project partners


The European Union

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Renowave is a project about energy efficiency renovation support. The partnership consists of regional and local authorities and energy agencies from seven Baltic Sea Region countries: Finland, Sweden, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Germany and Estonia, take part in this project. 

The project aims to increase energy efficiency in the residential multi-apartment building stock. A third of the EU’s buildings are over 50 years old with only very few (ca. 1 %) being renovated each year. In general, these buildings are not professionally managed. The renovation decision is complicated due to multiple apartment owners, insufficient information on the current energy profile and potential benefits of the renovation.

The project develops a One-Stop-Shop (OSS) extended model specifically designed for the multi-apartment buildings in the Baltic Sea Region. The project partners will analyze and develop missing services in the partner regions, amend and improve existing services and as a result, provide energy renovation support tailored for the multi-apartment building homeowners. 

Their competencies allow them to develop and pilot renovation support services that a full-fledged one-stop-shop should offer in the region, and sustain the OSS-s that are established during the project. An important input to the project will come from the already existing networks and homeowners´ forums.

Contacts: Matti Pylkkö, +358 40 759 6692, Tanja Nyholm, +358 40 703 3366

Implementation schedule

1.1.2023 - 31.12.2025


The City of Lappeenranta together with 10 partners


Interreg Baltic Sea Region

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Saimaa screen

The project is a water-related info display screen at Lappeenranta harbour. The screen shows water information about Saimaa, such as water quality, organism in water and ways to improve lake Saimaa water quality. The key measures in the project are: 1. Share information about lake Saimaa and actions towards cleaner water 2. Communication 3. Education 

Implementation schedule

1.1.2019 - 31.12.2030


City of Lappeenranta Greenreality Services


UPM Kymmene

CANEMURE - Towards Carbon Neutral Municipalities and Regions

CANEMURE - Towards carbon neutral municipalities and regions is a six-year (2018-2024) project for implementing Finnish climate policy, funded by the EU Life programme. The project brings into practice in particular policies of the National Energy and Climate Strategy (EIS) and the Medium-term Climate Change Policy Plan (KAISU). In the project city of Lappeenranta is implementing a regional cooperation group in South-Karelia and is piloting a heat accumulator in a district heating network. See also:

Contact person: Petri Kero, 040 653 0508 

Implementation schedule

1.11.2018 - 31.10.2024


Consortium of 21 partners coordinated by Finnish Environmental Institute SYKE.


Largest of the 15 co-financiers of the project is EU Life programme.

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South Karelia's energy advice

South Karelia's energy advice increases awareness of energy efficiency and renewable energy. The target group of the regional energy consultation is consumers, municipalities and SMEs. The energy advisor provides unbiased information on ways to increase energy efficiency and renewable energy. Regional energy advice brings the energy counselor closer to the target groups in each province. 

Thermal cameras are also borrowed from Lappeenranta City Hall's Wink and Imatra City Hall's customer service. 

Implementation schedule

1.5.2018 - 1.1.2026


City of Lappeenranta, Environmental action of the Lappeenranta region


Energy Authority

Completed projects

SMR - Advanced Energy

n the future, Finnish energy production will rely on more emission-free energy sources. The desire to move away from combustion-based technologies and to reduce the use of forests in energy production requires predictable and stabilizing energy production alongside wind and solar power, which is made possible by small nuclear power technology (SMR, small modular reactor).  Small nuclear reactors implemented in series production enable the production of electricity and heat, but also bring opportunities for industrial steam production or hydrogen production. SMR technology also brings with it the opportunity to develop a new industry and create an export product. A small nuclear reactor intended for research use is planned for Lappeenranta, which, if realized, would be the first pilot sites in Finland. The city of Lappeenranta wants to be involved in ensuring that a pilot plant is created in Lappeenranta and that a consortium is started around the pilot plant to promote the new industry and strengthen regional vitality. 

Implementation schedule

1.5.2023 - 30.4.2024


City of Lappeenranta 


Regional Council of South Carelia. Uudistuva ja osaava Suomi 2021-2027 EU:n alue- ja rakennepolitiikan ohjelma, Euroopan aluekehitysrahasto (EAKR)

NetZeroCities – the EU's climate-neutral and smart cities

The City of Lappeenranta has been selected as one of the 100 climate-neutral and smart cities to participate in the European Union's mission. The project supports the EU’s Mission “100 Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities by 2030” in drastically cutting down greenhouse gas emissions to achieve climate neutrality. In the project, each selected city will develop and implement a Climate City Contract in collaboration with local businesses as well as the private sector, research organizations and residents. 

The project implements measures according to the EU's carbon-neutral and smart cities program. The actions are:
1. Climate program update
2. Preparation of an investment plan aimed at carbon neutrality in 2030
3. Communication and information
4. Approval of programs

Contacts: Petri Kero, +358 40 653 0508 , Ilkka Räsänen +358 40 081 5284

Implementation schedule

1.2.2023 - 31.1.2024


The City of Lappeenranta, Greenreality Services


Development funding for the region of South Karelia

Greenreality Network ecosystem services and co-innovation in green electrification

The project is part of the city of Lappeenranta in implementing the Green Electrification Ecosystem Agreement of the Lappeenranta-Imatra region. The goal is to strengthen the construction of an attractive concentration of expertise and an innovative environment, as well as the connection of the region's operators to international RDI networks and value chains. With the help of the project, a close cooperation network of innovation activities will be developed. The project will increase the city-oriented effectiveness of research, development and innovation activities.

Implementation schedule

17.5.2022 - 31.5.2024


City of Lappeenranta


Co-funded by the European Union, Innovation and Skills in Finland 2021–2027 – EU regional and structural policy programme, European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)

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Lake Ruoholampi water pollution control project

The project is a water protection project to improve the water quality of lake Ruoholampi, which is located in the Lake Pien-Saimaa catchment area. The goals of the project are to improve environmental runoff management, obtain research information of the water quality in Ruoholampi catchment area, reduce water pollution and increase environmental awareness. The means of the project are planning, tracking, construction and communication. 
The key measures in the project are:  

  1. Catchment area and ditch water survey 
  2. Water quality monitoring 
  3. General plan for the management of ditch runoff water in catchment area 
  4. Design and construction of one water protection structure 
  5. Residential cooperation and counselling and common project communication to residents 

Implementation schedule

1.4.2022 - 31.12.2023


City of Lappeenranta, Greenreality services


City of Lappeenranta 50%, Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment 50%.

Lake Myllylampi water pollution control project

The project is a water protection project to improve the water quality of lake Myllylampi, which is located in the Lake Pien-Saimaa catchment area. The main goal of the project is to improve the management of runoff water flowing into lake Myllylampi. Other goals are to reduce the solid matter and nutrient load flow towards Myllylampi and small lake Saimaa.  The key measures in the project are:  1. Catchment area survey, localization of load sources, potential locations for water protection structures and implementation of general and building plans 2. To improve the water quality of Myllylampi and small lake Saimaa, bind nutrients and solids into the catchment area 3. Implementation of a water protection structure(s) 4. Safeguarding the diversity of the natural state marsh area next to lake Myllylampi 5. Business cooperation with industrial operators located in lake Myllylampi´s catchment area 6. Resident cooperation and communication 

Implementation schedule

1.4.2022 - 31.12.2023


City of Lappeenranta , Greenreality Services, Pien-Saimaan suojeluyhdistys ry


City of Lappeenranta and the South-East Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment Implementation agency.

Biochar and chip filtration, restoration and maintenance of constructed wetlands and water quality & flow survey of Asinsaari and Talanlahti area

The project is a piloting and research project. The project includes the study and piloting of biochar and woodchip use in water filtration. Secondly the project includes restoration and maintenance of wetlands in the lake Pien-Saimaa catchment area. Thirdly water quality study of Asinsaari and Talanlahti area and reporting of the flow study in Asinsaari bridge area. 
The key measures in the project are:  1. Biochar and woodchip reactor piloting 2. Renovation and maintenance of constructed wetlands in the Pien-Saimaa catchment area 3. Survey of the water quality of Talanlahti and Asinsaari area 4. Preliminary survey work for improving the water circulation of the Asinsaari bridge 5. Events, information and training 

Implementation schedule

1.1.2022 - 31.12.2023


City of Lappeenranta Greenreality Services, Pien-Saimaan suojeluyhdistys ry


Etelä-Karjalan säästöpankkisäätiö

Strengthening green electrification ecosystem services and co-development in the Greenreality Network

This project is the launch of the city of Lappeenranta's measures for the Green Electrification Ecosystem Agreement of the Lappeenranta-Imatra region. The project will be continued with the help of ERDF funding 2022-2023, which opens in the fall. The key measures in the project are:
1. Implementation of the cooperative goals of the network strategy and tasks related to the launch of identified investment and demonstration targets
2. Surveys for starting investments related to green electrification (e.g. feasibility studies, piloting)
3. Innovation cooperation at the regional and international level
4. Investing in skills related to applying for direct EU funding and repatriation
5. Launching and establishing the international Green Electrification conference event

Implementation schedule

12.4.2021 - 31.12.2021


City of Lappeenranta


Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment of Finland (Supporting the sustainable growth and vitality of regions) / Regional Council of South Karelia (funding authority)

LALAPETE –  Upcycling innovations and environmental awareness

Project aims to bring positive change into the current situation in environmental awareness and circular economy. Aim is to change the current situation in environmental education and create educational material for kindergartens, schools and holiday homes. 

Also, to research environmental awareness of the citizens and to organise international workshops, seminars and training events to increase the awareness of environmental protection, climate change mitigation and sustainable lifestyle. 

In the field of circular economy, aim is to have cross border cooperation, share knowledge and make a road map for transition to the circular economy. In addition, the aim is to boost public opinion of products made of recycled materials, to show they are high-quality and exchange ideas of new products and services. 

Implementation schedule

1.1.2021 - 30.11.2022


City of Lappeenranta and City of Lahti (cooperation with St. Petersburg Foundation for Small and Medium-sized Enterprise Development and St. Petersburg State Geological Unitary Enterprise ended on March 25 2022 based on Ukraina situation)


SEFR-CBC Programme 2014-2020

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Carbon Neutral Municipalities

Carbon Neutral Municipalities! -project seeks and creates good practices for low-carbon daily life in rural areas to be shared as a model for others. Pilots are being developed in the project, which enable the emergence of a new type of low-carbon economic activity to increase the vitality of the countryside. 

Implementation schedule

1.3.2020 - 1.1.2023


Environmental action of the Imatra region and Lappeenranta region


European agricultural fund for rural development


Cata3Pult – Finnish-Russian PPP catalyzing new green business

Objectives of the Cata3Pult are connected to Business and SME development under the CBC programme priority of lively, active and competitive economy, and they specified as following:

1. Create Finnish-Russian PPP catalyzing new business and format organizations’ common principles of long-term business cooperation in practical level in the themes of cleantech and sustainability of the urban environment between regions of South Karelia (Lappeenranta), Uusimaa (Helsinki and Vantaa) and Saint Petersburg.

2. Organize and promote knowledge sharing of city strategies, public procurement, knowledge sharing through expert panel.

3. Develop and promote business and R&D cross-border collaboration through clusters in the spheres of eco-  and energy efficiency, smart and green mobility and circular economy. 

Implementation schedule

1.6.2019 - 30.11.2022


Lead partner: The city of Lappeenranta together with Green Net Finland, Metropolia UAS, House Property Owners Association (and St. Petersburg Cleantech Cluster), Environmental office Kosmos LLC



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Greenreality Homes and Companies

In the project, the Greenreality thinking and operating model that creates a sustainable future, which Lappeenranta is committed to, will be taken to schools and from schools, with the help of students, to students' homes and to brick-and-mortar businesses in the city center. Ecological thinking and responsible choices become part of everyday life in homes and businesses. At the same time, energy and environmental companies are introduced to schoolchildren, their parents and other residents.

Implementation schedule

1.8.2018 - 31.12.2020


City of Lappeenranta and LUT University


The main financier was the European Regional Development Fund.

Circwaste - towards circular economy in Finland

CIRCWASTE is a seven-year LIFE IP project that promotes efficient use of material flows, waste prevention and new waste and resource management concepts.  The project is implemented during the years 2016–2023. All actions contribute to implementing the national waste management plan and directing Finland towards a circular economy. CIRCWASTE is a creation of 20 partners and 10 funding organisations. The project is coordinated by the Finnish Environment Institute. CIRCWASTE is funded in large part by the EU LIFE programme.  Check out also: 

Contact person: Anna Vuori, 040 570 1044 

Implementation schedule

1.1.2017 - 1.1.2024


City of Lappeenranta, Greenreality services, principal project manager Finnish Environment Institute



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