Taipalsaari municipality

Bioenergy for heat production, solar electricity for schools

Taipalsaari municipality is open to renewable energy.

Using renewable energy is considered important in Taipalsaari. In accordance with the municipal survey on renewable energy, the municipality's aim is to implement solutions that will reduce its greenhouse emissions every year.

The production potential of solar electricity in public buildings has also been investigated. Based on the investigations, a plan to utilise solar electricity has been prepared.

"The first large site where solar electricity will be utilised is Saimaanharju school, says Technical Director Samuli Kakko.

At the moment, a new biopower plant is being developed in the Saimaanharju-Konstu area. The plant will use renewable energy sources.

Taipalsaari has large groundwater reservoirs and a protection plan is being prepared for their development, maintenance and monitoring. The protection plan will be completed in the summer of 2017.

In its area, the municipality has six grade I groundwater basins, 17 grade II groundwater basins and several grade III groundwater basins.

"Clean water and effective water management is vital," says Mr Kakko.

The project at Kivisalmi pumping station has made a significant impact on water quality. The pumping station built on the border of Taipalsaari and Lappeenranta has improved the water circulation and clean-up of Pien-Saimaa. A second pumping station is being planned for Kopinsalmi in order to further improve water circulation in western Pien-Saimaa.

Taipalsaari municipality is aiming to reduce the environmental impact of traffic by developing new traffic solutions with neighbouring municipalities.

Taipalsaari in an archipelago municipality with around 4,800 inhabitants, situated next to Lappeenranta. Saimaa waterways make up one half of the area of this municipality. In the summer, the number of inhabitants is tripled, thanks to summer residents.